June 2020 – At the time of updating this page – many events and activities are on hold or are being held outdoors or using socially distant measures due to the coronavirus lockdown.
SANDGATE YOGA LODGE: We work with all things natural including the weather, yoga movement, food provided for guests who can stay 1 night or 1 month and the workshops introduce Ayurveda (a sister practise to yoga from India ) All activities are for health, fun, healing, restoration, well-being and growth. There are yoga sessions for all. Monday to Friday 9.30am for 1 hour, further info and costs on website. Meditation hour Mondays 8-9pm, by donation only for all and Worriers Yoga on Fridays 8-9pm. Booking essential as limited spaces. Workshops and accommodation for up to 8 guests. I am Kate Pierre at Sandgate Yoga Lodge, 104a Sandgate High St, Sandgate, Folkestone CT20 3BY. 07889495526. Website: www.sandgateyogalodge.com
ANCESTRY BUDDY: Kent Libraries offer a unique service to help you look into your ancestry. Sandgate Library now has an Ancestry Buddy who can guide you through the process of this interesting and popular subject. Drop-in or call 01303 248563.
SANDGATE LIFE DRAWING: Every Wednesday 6.30 to 8.30pm. £7.50 per session. For more information contact Tony Foster on 07940 372079 or email novak@dsl.pipex.com
BOULES: If you would like to join the Sandgate Boules Group or find out more – why not go along to one of the regular Sunday morning meetings or Thursday evening meetings through the warmer months (weather permitting). The Petanque Terrain (Sandgate Park) is of course open for all to use (free of charge) at any time.
SANDGATE NEWSLETTER: The parish clerk will produce a regular newsletter
that she can email out to any residents who request it. If you would like to be included in the email broadcast please let the parish clerk have your email address http://www.sandgatepc.kentparishes.gov.uk/contact_us/). If you do not have email a paper version of the newsletter will be available from Sandgate Library and many outlets in Sandgate.
CHILDRENS CRAFT CLUB: Held in Sandgate Library one morning during school hols – all
ages welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Volunteer parents needed to help run the club so if you are able to help chat to Hannah Cotton who runs the Craft Club. If you want to find out more contact the parish clerk at the library/council offices.
ST PAULS CHURCH: Regular services at St Pauls are: Sundays at 8am – A contemplative
Communion service (BCP), Sundays at 10.30am – A choice of services each month: 1st
Sunday – Sunday Praise – a varied style of brief, visual worship, 2nd Sunday – Healing
Eucharist, 3rd Sunday – Morning Prayer, 4th Sunday – Eucharist. 1st Sundays at 6pm –
Evening Prayer, Wednesday at 6.30pm – Prayer Circle, Tuesday & Thursday at 8.30am –
Morning Prayer. For further details of any of these services, for Baptisms, Weddings or
other Occasional Officers contact the Benefice Office 253831.
SANDGATE WRITERS: A friendly group of Sandgate people who meet monthly on 2nd Thursday of each month from 10 to 12pm at Sandgate Library (across the road from St Pauls Church). For details contact Joe Thomas on 01303 489736 or email: joe.tom277864@tiscali.co.uk.
SANDGATE SOCIAL CLUB: On the ground floor of the Chichester Memorial Hall is the Sandgate Social Club (previously known as the Sandgate Mens Club). Founded in the 1800s the Club has leased the hall for decades and its wood-lined bar and two table snooker room is a popular meeting place for old and new members alike. Why not pop in as a Guest and if you like the quiet environment which is perfect for reading the newspaper, chatting to friends or playing a game of snooker, perhaps you will like it so much that you will want to become a full member (both male and female members welcome)?
FARMERS MARKET: So much to look forward to and we hope that we can continue to entice you along to Chichester Hall in Sandgate High Street to buy your freshly baked bread,
homemade cakes, eggs, fruit and veg, honey, meats, cheese, olives and other goodies as
well as taking the opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and homemade cake whilst you catch up with friends and acquaintances. Farmers Markets, held in The Chichester Hall, are 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month from 10am to 12.30pm. At each Market you have multiple chances of winning the £10 raffle which can be spent at any of the Market stalls or at participating shops etc in Sandgate. For more information or to book a table please email: david@davidcowell.net
SANDGATE SOCIETY TALKS: Monthly talks are held at The Chichester Hall starting at 7.30pm. Entrance is free to Members and £2 to visitors who are welcome. More information at www.thesandgatesociety.com/
ENTERTAINMENT AT THE SANDGATE HOTEL: Buy tickets at The Sandgate Hotel or
online. 8-9 Wellington Terrace, The Esplanade, Sandgate, Folkestone,Kent, CT20 3DY Tel: 01303 220444. Comedy Nights are last Thursday in every month 7-11pm. ww.sandgatehotel.com, info@sandgatehotel.com
COUNCIL MEETINGS: Parish Council meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday in the
month. Meetings are held in the Sandgate Parish Council Library and Offices,
James Morris Court, Sandgate High Street. Further information from the Parish Clerk on 01303 248563 or check out the PC website for a list of dates and agendas at: www.sandgatepc.kentparishes.gov.uk/ The Parish Council office (Library) is open 9.30 – 13.00 Monday to Friday.
SHORT MAT BOWLS: On Wednesdays at 1.30 to 4.30pm at the Chichester Hall,
Sandgate High Street (opp The Ship Inn). New members welcome – ring Fred on 01303 263090 for more information or why not just pop in – but remember to wear flat-soled shoes.
SANDGATE LIBRARY: Please note opening times of Sandgate Library: Monday to Saturday (excluding Wednesday) 9.30am to 1pm. Check out Poets Corner where there is a selection of poems written by local people. We have a WW1 History Trolley on loan from Folkestone Library which includes sections on History on Wheels, Create your own Poem, etc. If the Library doesn’t have the books that you want please do complete one of the forms and we can get them in stock for you. Our PCSO also holds regular surgeries in the Library. Volunteers needed to help in the library – do you have some spare time to help out in the library for a few hours a week or month? The parish council is looking for people to assist the parish clerk with running the library. Training will be given and CRB checks done. Should you wish to know more about this or just wish to register your interest, please phone on 01303 248563 (9am to 1pm weekdays only).
KNIT AND KNATTER: A Knit and Knatter group is held in Sandgate Library (across the road from St Pauls Church). The group meets to chat, swap ideas, get guidance and talk about a whole variety of things both knitting related and not twice each week. More information from the Parish Clerk on 01303 248563 or pop into the Sandgate Library to find out more.
CHICHESTER MEMORIAL HALL: Every event and activity held in the hall supports us in our efforts to bring the Chichester Hall back into the centre of the community and to make it look as good as it ever did. A big thank you to Geoff for doing quick repairs on our roof to keep it watertight. If you would like to hire the hall for a one-off or regular community or private function please contact our Caretaker on 07968 785692 competitive rates offered with a discount structure for regular bookings. Contact details for Trustees and Caretaker are posted on the Hall notice board inside the Hall. The Chichester Hall website is at www.sandgate-kent.org.uk/chichesterhall/home.html
COMPUTER BUDDY: Would you like help in finding your way around the Internet or worldwide web – would you like assistance with some computer basics? Well help is now at hand! At Sandgate Library on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am – 12noon. Our Computer Buddy will assist you with some of those problems you may be experiencing – free of charge. Please ring to book a session with Computer Buddy. For more information about these very popular sessions and to book a session with our Computer Buddy please call the parish clerk, on 01303 248563 or pop into the Sandgate Library to book your session.
OLD FIRE STATION: If you would like to hire the lovely wood panelled Reading Room on the first floor of The Old Fire Station which is suitable for private or small community functions please contact the Caretaker – contact details and more information about the Old Fire Station can be found at: http://theoldfirestationsandgate.co.uk/
SATURDAY MORNING COFFEE POP-IN: The Sandgate Society extends a warm welcome to residents, passers by or shoppers on Saturday mornings 10am to 12.30pm throughout the year at The Old Fire Station – where you can enjoy a lively chat with local people whilst enjoying Tea or Coffee and Biscuits.
FHODS: For more information about performing at The Tower Theatre please contact Simon sales on 07772 100 798. Activities organised by FHODS – Open Auditions, Tower Theatre Open Days, Workshops etc. – all open to the public. Website at: www.towertheatrefolkestone.co.uk/