Ask your question at latest virtual session

The latest virtual Q&A session with the Leader of Folkestone & Hythe District Council is to take place later this month.

Cllr David Monk – alongside members of the Cabinet – will respond to enquiries in this new digital format for the fourth time on Wednesday 28 October at 4pm.

It will be broadcast live on the council’s YouTube channel for public meetings, which can be found by visiting

These virtual sessions have been organised to enable members of the public to ask questions in a public forum during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residents must email their questions – which will be displayed on the screen during the meeting- to before 5pm on 20 October.

There will be a maximum time limit of half-an-hour for residents’ queries, with a further 45 minutes allocated to answer those put forward by councillors.

To help make the process fair, members of the public will only be able to ask one question each. Submissions may also be rejected, as is usual procedure, if it:

❌ is not about a matter for which the council has a responsibility or which affects the district

❌ is deemed defamatory, frivolous or offensive

❌ requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information

❌ has already been asked within the previous six months

Date published: 14 October 2020

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