District Funding News

Folkestone streets will become even safer due to grant: A £335,546.64 award is the result of a bid made by Folkestone & Hythe Community Safety Partnership (CSP), Kent Police and the Kent Police & Crime Commissioner for round five of the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund.

In Folkestone the funding will focus on five key areas: CCTV, Anti-social behaviours and crime prevention, Education programmes, Safer parks and Public guardianship.

For more information about the Folkestone Safer Streets Fund visit: www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/community-safety/safer-streets-folkestone

Funding approved for rural district businesses and communities: Folkestone & Hythe District Council has been awarded more than half a million pounds over a two year period from central governments Rural England Prosperity Fund.

The grant will be used to support activities that specifically address challenges these areas face and can include: Grants for business to fund projects in rural areas that will support jobs, business growth and resilience. This can include net zero infrastructure, diversification needs and start ups and expansion opportunities, Grants for communities to fund projects in rural areas that will improve local facilities and amenities specifically aimed at enhancing phyiscal, cultural and social ties. This can include net zero infranstrure and improvements to faciltilies and amenities.

For more information about rural England Prosperity Fund can be found on: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/rural-england-prosperity-fund-prospectus/rural-england-prosperity-fund-prospectus

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