Message from our local Vicar Bob
Dear All,
It is with great sadness that we hear the news today that Prince Philip has passed away. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Prince Philip was such a great servant to our country, and it is right and proper that we should honour him. We are in the process of making arrangements, and to that end, I am meeting with the Church Wardens this evening. May I give you early notice of the first arrangement – All three churches will be open between 10 and 12 noon tomorrow. (There will be a Book of Remembrance available to sign), and you may sit for Private Prayer, if you so wish.
Here is the a statement from Bishop Rose:
A prayer for Prince Philip:
God of our lives,
we give thanks for the life of Prince Philip,
for his love of our country,
and for his devotion to duty.
We entrust him now to your love and mercy,
through our Redeemer Jesus Christ.