In early June, the country will be celebrating the Jubilee and Sandgate will be playing our part.
Our starting event in Sandgate will be the lighting of the Sandgate Beacon by the Sir John Moore Memorial at 9.45pm on Thursday 2nd June. We have a piper and bugle player beforehand, and. maybe, some special guests.
On the afternoon Friday 3rd June there will be a party in the Golden Valley car park in front of the Golden Arrow, with plenty of families to enjoy.
And in the afternoon of Sunday 5th June there will be a street and beach party along Granville Parade, with the Sandgate Society organising some tables and seating along the front for those that want it, but all more than welcome to come along, join us there or on the beach, have a beach picnic or maybe a drink or two from our great local businesses and enjoy the music from the Rowing Club balcony.
We are looking for a qualified first aider for that afternoon who could be our point of contact if we needed a designated person to call an ambulance or attend to a grazed knee! Could you help us? Please drop an email to – thank you!
For safety reasons, we’ve applied for a road closure of Granville Parade for the afternoon: with lots of people moving around it seems much the safest way. However there is free parking from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th by the Saga building, for which we thank them, and any resident is more than welcome to park there, all day, for free.