Sandgate is an absolute gem when it comes to nature. With the sea on one side and a beautiful wooded escarpment on the other, this area is a paradise for plant life and wildlife. We’ve got hedgerows, footpaths, a stunning shoreline, and plenty of green spaces like parks and playing fields—not to mention all the lovely gardens. But have you ever stopped to wonder what kinds of plants and animals are living right around you?
If you’re curious and want to learn more about the nature in your neighborhood, why not join the Sandgate Watch community project? It’s super easy to get involved. All you need to do is keep an eye out for any interesting plants, animals, or insects, record your observations, and upload them to Sandgate Watch. The community of nature lovers will help you figure out exactly what you’ve spotted.
Not only will you be learning more about the natural world around you, but you’ll also be contributing to our collective knowledge of Sandgate’s environment. It’s a great way to connect with nature and your nature loving neighbours!
Ready to get started? Head over to to find out more. You can download the app from there, or just search for Sandgate Watch in your phone’s app store. Happy exploring!