Dear Sandgate Society Members,
We are very pleased to be able to tell you that we are going ahead with the Christmas Party this year. Many people have now been triple jabbed plus had their Flu jabs and the feedback from members has been a very strong ‘please do something for Christmas’.
As you know we were unable to use SAGA this year so we are back at the Chichester Hall, which will be lovely but does mean less tickets will be available (so book fast!). Please see attached documents for more information about this fun, festive evening. Bookings will be taken from Wednesday 1st November and bookings details will be sent out next week.

Bookings are being taken from 1st November for this very popular event – more information about the Christmas Party will be published soon – meanwhile, if you want to know more about this event please do contact Sandgate Society directly.
Best wishes
The Events Team
More about the Sandgate Society HERE