Pavement Pounders CIC – Authored by David Lay
Memories of Sandgate during WWII
An oral history project, centred on Sandgate, which has grown out of our WWII Front-line Kent Childhoods Project and Cllr.Jan Holben’s generous donation of her interviews with Sandgate residents.
We have added to this small existing collection of Sandgate WWII memories.
We present this material along with images of memory sharers and relevant images of Sandgate that feature in their story.
This presentation was to be made locally both as illustrated talks given by a director of Pavement Pounders featuring audio snippets from the oral history interviews. Chichester Hall had been booked for that purpose.
This event at which all gathered material will be gifted to Sandgate Parish Council and the Sandgate Society has had to be postponed because of Covid 19.
The project aims
A better understanding of Sandgate’s WWII heritage and the role older residents played in it.